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Expérience professionnelle
Either you are a First time home buyer, or planning to buy or sell your property or looking for an investment property....just call me for 5 minutes and see how you feel! I bet you, our 5 minutes call will turn into 15 minutes or may be 25.... who knows! If you don't believe me then call me today to find it yourself!
Langues parlées
Pashto / pachto, Urdu / Ourdou, Punjabi / Pendjabi, English / Anglais
Régions desservies
Toronto, St. Catharines, Port Hope, Pickering, Oshawa, Oakville, Mississauga, Kitchener-Waterloo, Durham Region, Durham, Cambridge, Burlington, Brantford, Brampton, Barrie, Aurora, Ajax
Domaines d'expertise
Secondary Residences, New Condominiums, Residential, First Time Buyers, Income, Leasing, Development, New Home Sales
Mes inscriptions
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Oups, il ya eu une erreur!