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Expérience professionnelle
Cathy Kim has called Toronto her home for the past 20 years and knows the city inside and out. She can use her extensive local knowledge to help find the right property for you. Also a seasoned real estate investor since 2006, Cathy has developed strong analytical skills and business acumen, along with a passion to share her unique perspectives with both buyers and sellers. Prior to working full time as a professional Realtor, Cathy enjoyed successful careers with large multi-national corporations in the areas of Supply Chain, Finance, and Project Management. Her extensive skillset in process management, negotiations and financial analysis will shape the buying and listing experience as seamless and hassle-free as possible. Cathy is fully committed to taking care of your buying and selling needs with her team of real estate professionals from TorontoHomeExperts!
Langues parlées
English / Anglais, Chinese / Chinois
Régions desservies
York Region, Toronto, Durham Region
Domaines d'expertise
Multi-Residential, Buyer Representation, Condominiums, Rentals, First Time Buyers, New Condominiums, Investment, New Home Sales, Income
PMP-Project Management Professional, M.Sc., B.A.Sc
Direct 416.495.2792
Mobile 647.325.6771
Télécopieur 416.485.2722
Sans-frais 800.496.9220