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Expérience professionnelle
Real Estate representative since 2011. Lived in Eastern Ontario for many years and very familiar with the area and communities. Worked in active business managing stock portfolio and real estate holdings. 25 years experience as municipal councillor for Township of Champlain. Extensive voluteering for local Museum and Heritage Group. Also sat on selection committee for Ontario Trillium Foundation. Over 10 years as Director of Ontario Heritage Trust. Director and President of Ontario Good Roads Association. Experienced alpine skier and travelled to many ski destinations. Like to play golf.
Langues parlées
French / Français, English / Anglais
Régions desservies
Vars, Vankleek Hill, Treadwell, Summerstown, St. Andrews West, Presqu'ile Point, Plantagenet, Limoges, Lefaivre, Lancaster, L'Orignal, Hawkesbury, Glen Walter, Glen Robertson, Fournier, Dunvegan, Dunville, Dalkeith, Cornwall, Bainsville, Alfred, Alexandria
Domaines d'expertise
Condominiums, Executive, Heritage Properties, Farms, Vacant Land, Acreages, Hobby Farm, Rural, Century Homes, Buyer Representation, First Time Buyers, Recreational, Agricultural, Cottage, Carriage Trade, Bed & Breakfast, Military/ RCMP Transfers, Bed and Breakfast, Waterfront
Mes inscriptions
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