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Expérience professionnelle
Ryan developed a keen interest in Real Estate after watching his mother Sheila successfully conduct business in Halifax over the past 20 years. After graduating from St. FX University in 2016, obtaining a Business Degree with a Major in Accounting, Ryan completed the licensing course and joined the family business. Having a background in sales, a fluency with numbers, and a competent understanding of marketing in the ever changing online world, Ryan felt like a career in Real Estate was the logical next move. When I am not engaged with clients or working on the next project, I spend most of my spare time outdoors surfing, biking, & skiing!
Langues parlées
English / Anglais
Régions desservies
Wellington, Waverley, Timberlea, Porters Lake, Sackville, Lake Echo, Lower Sackville, Halifax, Fall River, Grand Lake, Halifax County, Dartmouth, Cole Harbour, Bedford, Montebello
Domaines d'expertise
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