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Expérience professionnelle
I have been licensed as a residential Realtor since 1984 and licensed as a Commercial REALTOR since 1987. I have served on the Commercial Division of the Winnipeg Real Estate Board and a current member of Professional Standards.
Langues parlées
English / Anglais
Régions desservies
St. Adolphe, Winnipeg, West St. Paul, Steinbach, St. Clements, Springfield, Oak Bluff, Island Lake, East St. Paul, Brandon
Domaines d'expertise
Office, Retail, Farms, Industrial, Multi-Residential, Vacant Land
RRP- Registered relocation professional
Direct 204.989.7900
Mobile 204.955.0487
Maison 204.257.1074
Télécopieur 204.272.6260
Sans-frais 877.811.5060
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