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Expérience professionnelle
With over 17 years in the Real Estate industry, Sandy is proud to have her daughter Justine working with her as a licensed Realtor. Sandy has resided in the Kootenay for over 21 years. Living in the beautiful Kootenays with year round recreation for myself and my family, my interests include hockey, golf, boating, camping, marketing and sales. I enjoy meeting new people and have published a Canadian Best-selling cookbook called 'Kootenay Country Kitchen's Cookbook - a collection of Kootenay favorites'. I have been a top producer for Real Estate for the past 17 years and continue to love my job greatly. I have been honoured to have received the National Chairman's Lifetime Award of Excellence, Top 10 in unit sales and Gross commission sales in British Columbia in 2017.
Langues parlées
English / Anglais
Régions desservies
Wasa, Wasa Lake, Kimberley, Jaffray, Cranbrook
Domaines d'expertise
Rural, Buyer Representation, Executive, First Time Buyers, Vacant Land, Waterfront, Condominiums, Apartment buildings, Military/ RCMP Transfers, Acreages, Relocations, New Condominiums, Mobile Homes, New Home Sales, Multi-Residential, Recreational
RI-Designated Real Estate Professional, CERC Relocation Specialist, Associate Broker
Direct 250.426.8211
Mobile 250.421.0835
Télécopieur 250.426.6270
Sans-frais 866.426.8211
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