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Expérience professionnelle
Whether you are looking to buy or sell your first home or your tenth, Roberta will help guide you through the process with ease. A fast learner, Roberta spent 20 years in the automotive industry and walked away with valuable sales and customer service knowledge and the ability to handle stressful situations easily. Both a "thinker" and a "doer", Roberta is committed to getting the job done precisely. She holds her Legal Administration certificate and takes pride in her knowledge of contract law and Real Estate conveyancing. Roberta won a Royal LePage sales achievement award for 2022 and is excited about achieving more of her goals in the future. She excels at creating quality listings and takes pride in her ability to help buyers through the process with the least amount of stress possible.
Langues parlées
English / Anglais
Régions desservies
Welling, Warner, Taber, Stirling, Shaughnessy, Raymond, Picture Butte, Nobleford, Mountain View, Monarch, Magrath, Lethbridge, Granum, Glenwood, Fort MacLeod, Fairview, Diamond City, Del Bonita, Coutts, Coalhurst, Coaldale, Bow Island, Barons, Surrounding Area
Domaines d'expertise
Secondary Residences, Buyer Representation, Residential, First Time Buyers, Vacant Land, Hobby Farm, Condominiums, Military/ RCMP Transfers, Relocations, New Condominiums, Mobile Homes, New Home Sales, Heritage Properties
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