Semi-Detached for Sale in Laval, QC
Semi-detached Homes for sale in Laval have an average price on the MLS® of $541,355, making them a competitive option in the local real estate market. Over half of Laval’s housing stock is made up of small apartment buildings and single-detached homes, with townhouses making up the remainder. Approximately a third of these properties were built during the 1960s and 1970s, with most other structures having been constructed before the 1960s or during the 1980s. The city predominantly offers two-bedroom and three-bedroom homes, and about 70% of the units are owner-occupied, while 30% are rental properties. Semi-detached homes represent 3.63% of the listings in this diverse housing landscape.
- Advertising
- $459,900423 Boul. Des CépagesLaval (Duvernay), QC
- $319,000202-695 Place ChomedeyLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $689,0004737 Rue René-CotyLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $335,000104-3785 Boul. Le CarrefourLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $394,900102-3460 Boul. Pie-IxLaval (Duvernay), QC
- $329,0001-678 Av. AmpèreLaval (Laval-Des-Rapi ..., QC
- $329,90098-750 Boul. LavalLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $894,5001587 - 1589 Rue De TouraineLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $649,9001474 Rue CaldwellLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $449,500714-1900 Rue Émile-MartineauLaval (Laval-Des-Rapi ..., QC
- $1,250,0001860 Rue FavreauLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $1,050,0007949 Boul. Lévesque E.Laval (Saint-François ..., QC
- $212,000221-168 Boul. Lévesque E.Laval (Pont-Viau), QC
- $348,0001-3762 Boul. Dagenais O.Laval (Fabreville), QC
- $1,295,0004551 - 4555a Ch. Du SouvenirLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $829,000574 Rue LahaieLaval (Pont-Viau), QC
- $394,500101-3450 Boul. Pie-IxLaval (Duvernay), QC
- $799,000665 73e AvenueLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $595,900323 Rue Des VosgesLaval (Vimont), QC
- $1,295,0003946 - 3952 Rue De La SeineLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $799,500281 - 281b Rue JubinvilleLaval (Pont-Viau), QC
- $314,90099-750 Boul. LavalLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $438,000404-2505 Av. Du Havre-Des-ÎlesLaval (Chomedey), QC
- $1,789,000175 - 181 Boul. Dagenais E.Laval (Vimont), QC
- $200,000 +GST/QST1790 Boul. Des LaurentidesLaval (Vimont), QC
- $349,90018-471 Rue ÉrickaLaval (Fabreville), QC
- $1,799,000326 Boul. Cartier O.Laval (Laval-Des-Rapi ..., QC
- $1,775,000322 Boul. Cartier O.Laval (Laval-Des-Rapi ..., QC