Property Information:
Here are some information about the shopping center and about the surrounding population located on 4745 Dagenaiswest Laval.
1) There are Three Daycares located. One with a permit 75 Child in the Shopping Centre and anotherTwo daycares, 200 m away from the centre, with a permit of 80 children each.
2) Facing the strip a new income property with 24 Units.
3) New development under construction right behind the shopping center for a total of 210 units.
4) Residence with 149 doors at 1 km from the center
Fabreville is surrounded by many houses and is mostly property owners than tenants. The income average is 91, 000$ per house. There is an average of 2.8 people in each household.
The Price is 19$ (Base rent) and 8$ (additional rent) + TPS & TVQ