Property Information:
The perfect shop for your business is now on the market and ready for your business. Currently operating as a plumbing and heating service company its a prime candidate for a business that operates in the trades such as its current use,, electricians, mechanics or possibly a trucking company. The building at 36 X 60 is well insulated with spray foam on the interior and comes with a concrete floor, 14 X 18 OHD, radiant tube heating and a 3/4 bathroom The sale of this property also includes 8 contiguous lots which offers a total area of 400 x 120 sq ft - well over an acre of property. Taxes are relatively inexpensive and there is main paved access off 55 Ave with a direct line to Hwy 2 or 2A plus for ease of use there is a back alley as well. If you are looking or thinking about looking for a location for your business this is a prime opportunity - the sign is up!! Call today!!
Inclusions: na