Russel - Edwards, Ottawa, Ontario Real Estate and Homes for Sale
In Russel - Edwards, around 70% of buildings are single detached homes, but townhouses are also present in the housing stock. This neighbourhood is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Roughly 85% of the dwellings in the neighbourhood are occupied by homeowners while the remainder are rented. The homes in this area are quite new, because around 40% of its buildings were constructed following the year 2000, while most of the remaining buildings were built pre-1960 and in the 1960s. Read more about Russel - Edwards real estate
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Russel - Edwards is especially car friendly. Accessing a parking spot is quite easy. In contrast, commuting by transit can be very hard in this area by reason of the low service level. Nonetheless, the neighbourhood is linked by a few bus lines. Despite the fact that cyclists do not encounter serious elevation changes, Russel - Edwards is not very bike-friendly as the cycling infrastructure is not very extensive. A majority of the houses for sale in this area are located in places that are also not very conducive to those who travel by foot because running common errands is very difficult.
This area does not contain any high schools or primary schools. Additionally, families may find it very difficult for their children to reach daycares on foot. In terms of food, it is very rarely possible for house buyers in Russel - Edwards to shop for their groceries by walking.
Russel - Edwards is reasonably quiet, as there isn't a lot of street noise or city clamour - although that is not the case closer to Highway 417. It is very hard to get to public green spaces since they aren't well-spread out. Still, there are a few parks close by for residents to enjoy.