Rockway, Kitchener, Ontario Real Estate and Homes for Sale
About 60% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home while renters make up the remainder. In this area, many buildings are single detached homes, while the remainder are mainly small apartment buildings. Most of the housing growth in this neighbourhood occurred before the 1960s. This part of the city is primarily composed of two bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about Rockway real estate
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Driving is a great means of transportation in Rockway. Most real estate listings are a very short car ride from the nearest highway, such as Highway 7, and it is especially convenient to park. In contrast, this neighbourhood is not particularly transit friendly. Thankfully, homeowners are served by a few bus lines, and bus stops are ordinarily nearby. Rockway is not very cycling-friendly because there are few bike lanes, and cyclists are faced with a considerable amount of slopes. Travelling by foot is also not very popular in Rockway, although most daily needs are convenient to meet on foot.
It is convenient to get to the closest grocery store on foot from any home in Rockway. Likewise, those who like to eat in restaurants will have a good number of options. It is also a reasonably short distance to a good choice of clothing stores. With respect to education, schools and daycares are convenient to get to on foot from any location in this part of Kitchener.
One of the highlights of Rockway is its wide variety of green spaces. Parks are especially well-spread out and there are a few of them nearby for residents to visit, which makes them very easy to access. This neighbourhood is relatively quiet, since there are few pedestrians; however there can be more noise for those who are around the railway line, Highway 7 or Highway 8.