Silverwood, Fredericton, New Brunswick Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Nearly 90% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home while renters make up the remainder. Single detached homes and row houses are the main housing type in this part of Fredericton. Roughly 40% of properties in this neighbourhood were constructed after the year 2000, while many of the remaining buildings were built pre-1960 and in the 1960s. This area is primarily composed of four or more bedroom and three bedroom homes. Read more about Silverwood real estate
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This part of the city is especially car friendly. It is very convenient to find a parking spot. Many of the homes for sale in this part of Fredericton are located in places that are not very conducive to those who travel by foot because almost no daily needs can be met without having to use a vehicle.
It is very rarely an option for home buyers in Silverwood to purchase their groceries by walking. There are a few options for those who care about close by restaurants. When it comes to education, it is a reasonably short walk to reach primary schools from most homes for sale in this neighbourhood. In contrast, Silverwood does not contain any high schools.
The character of Silverwood is exemplified by its calm environment. It is easy to reach parks since there are a few of them close by for residents to visit. This part of Fredericton is also especially quiet, as there are usually low levels of noise from traffic.