West Ridge, Cochrane, Alberta Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Roughly 95% of the population of this neighbourhood own their home and 5% are renters. The predominant housing types in this part of the town are single detached homes and townhouses. This area experienced its largest building boom following the year 2000, so most of the available housing is from this time period. There is a higher proportion of three bedroom homes in this neighbourhood. Read more about West Ridge real estate
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Driving is an excellent medium of transportation in this part of Cochrane. It is very easy to access a parking spot. It is difficult for pedestrians to move around in West Ridge as meeting daily needs is challenging. Although riding a bicycle is facilitated by the generally flat terrain, this part of Cochrane is also not very cycling-friendly as.
It is very rarely practical for property owners in West Ridge to purchase their groceries on foot. Nevertheless, reaching the closest pharmacy and thus some basic food items is generally convenient. A limited number of cafes is available as well. With respect to education, in West Ridge, parents and their children will generally be able to get to primary schools on foot. However, this part of Cochrane does not have any high schools.
West Ridge is wonderful for those who like a quiet atmosphere, as the streets tend to be very peaceful.