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Welcome to Canada! We are showing you Edmonton, Alberta

Your neighbours are Young Singles

  • Under 25
  • Service Sector/White Collar
  • Average Number of Children 0.7
  • Singles
  • $48,429.61 average income

Footloose Graduates

Rent next door to young neighbours who can passionately discuss the symbolism in Atwood’s novels, or lament Pluto’s loss of planetary status.

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Since 1913, Royal LePage has been helping Canadians buy and sell their homes and supporting communities. We’ve grown to a network of over 20,000 real estate agents in over 600 locations from coast to coast. To us, real estate is as much a passion as it is a business.

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Let us show you in eight simple steps how to go from Deciding to Sell to Closing the Sale and Moving Out.

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Shelter Foundation

We believe in the importance of giving back to the community,
Royal LePage is the only Canadian real estate company to have its own charitable foundation. All of the administrative costs of the Shelter Foundation are underwritten so that 100% of every dollar donated goes directly to helping to the cause.